
FireDome’s autonomous launcher is gunning to protect acres of land from wildfire

Fighting wildfire is a lot like waging war. There are foot soldiers and paratrooper-like smokejumpers, air support from airtankers, and mobile centers that can direct firefighter movements in the field. “It’s a battlefield,” Gadi Benjamini, co-founder and CEO of FireDome, told TechCrunch. “It changes, it’s dynamic, it’s unexpected.” But what firefighters have been missing is […]

FireDome’s autonomous launcher is gunning to protect acres of land from wildfire Read More »

FireDome launches projectiles filled with fire retardants to stop wildfires

Fighting wildfire is a lot like waging war. There are foot soldiers and paratrooper-like smokejumpers, air support from airtankers, and mobile centers that can direct firefighter movements in the field. “It’s a battlefield,” Gadi Benjamini, co-founder and CEO of FireDome, told TechCrunch. “It changes, it’s dynamic, it’s unexpected.” But what firefighters have been missing is

FireDome launches projectiles filled with fire retardants to stop wildfires Read More »