
Open source companies that go proprietary: A timeline

Open source might be the building blocks of the modern software stack, but companies building businesses off the back of open source software face a perennial struggle between keeping their community happy and ensuring that third parties don’t abuse the permissions afforded by the license. Many companies have launched with lofty open source ambitions, only […]

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Elastic founder on why they returned to open source 4 years after going proprietary

Licensing kerfuffles have long been a defining facet of the commercial open source space. Some of the biggest vendors have switched to a more restrictive “copyleft” license, as Grafana and Element have done, or gone full proprietary, as HashiCorp did last year with Terraform. But one $8 billion company has gone the other way. Elastic,

Elastic founder on why they returned to open source 4 years after going proprietary Read More »