Entreé Capital

Solo GP fund Andrena Ventures hopes to carry startup talent onto its next challenges

In the world of startups, it’s not uncommon to see talent from successful companies go on to found their own ventures. This is particularly evident in fintech in Europe, where alumni from unicorns like Monzo, N26, Revolut and others have started a flurry of new companies. Andrena Ventures, a solo GP (solo general partner) fund […]

Solo GP fund Andrena Ventures hopes to carry startup talent onto its next challenges Read More »

Magnus Metal wants to revamp the 4,000-year-old way metal parts are made

Humans have cast metal parts in basically the same way for thousands of years: by pouring molten metal into a mold, often made of compacted sand and clay. There’s a reason this ancient method is used today: Sand casting is inexpensive and works well with both ferrous, or iron-based, and nonferrous metals. But there is

Magnus Metal wants to revamp the 4,000-year-old way metal parts are made Read More »