Federal government

Trump administration fires members of cybersecurity review board in “horribly shortsighted” decision

On Tuesday, a day after Donald Trump’s inauguration as the new U.S. president, the Department of Homeland Security told members of several advisory committees that they were effectively fired.  Among the committees impacted is the Cyber Security Review Board, or CSRB, according to sources familiar with the board who spoke to TechCrunch, as well as […]

Trump administration fires members of cybersecurity review board in “horribly shortsighted” decision Read More »

US bans sale of Kaspersky software citing security risk from Russia 

The U.S. government announced on Thursday that it is banning the sale of Kaspersky antivirus in the country, and is asking Americans who use the software to switch to a different provider. The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security said it imposed the “first of its kind” ban, arguing that Kaspersky threatens U.S. national

US bans sale of Kaspersky software citing security risk from Russia  Read More »